Angular 6 and TypeScript Single Page Application (SPA) Development Training

Angular 6 and TypeScript Single Page Application (SPA) Development Training with Michigan Technology Services

Michigan Technology Services offers instructor-led Angular 6 and TypeScript Single Page Application (SPA) Development training, as well as other open source courses, through a partnership with a Google Developer Expert (GDE) trainer. The training can take place at our location in Farmington Hills, 20 miles outside of Detroit, or onsite at your office anywhere throughout the United States.

Dan Wahlin has over 20 years of development and training experience. He’s a Google Developer Expert (GDE), Microsoft MVP and is also part of Microsoft’s Regional Director, ASP Insiders and Docker Captains programs. He’s written 100s of articles and blog posts and authored/co-authored several books.

Dan has created and taught training classes and provided mentoring, architecture and consulting services for some of the biggest companies in the world including Intel, Microsoft, UPS, American Express, Goldman Sachs, General Dynamics, Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Sprint, various federal, state and local government agencies and also worked with many mid-size and small companies as well.

What is Angular and TypeScript Single Page Application (SPA) Development training?

Angular is the new version of Google’s popular Single Page Application (SPA) framework that can be used to build robust, client-centric applications. With enhanced speed, the ability to leverage the latest language features and a more modular architecture, Angular offers a cutting-edge approach to building today’s applications.

“Learn by doing!” – that’s the goal of the Angular Application Development course. The course starts with an introduction to Single Page Applications (SPA) and the benefits that SPAs can provide to both developers and end users. It then jumps into an overview of key Angular features and ES2015/TypeScript. Students will learn what benefits ES2015 and TypeScript offer and get hands-on experience using them throughout the class. From there students learn about different aspects of the Angular framework such as components, modules, templates, data binding syntax, directives, data services, calling RESTful services, observables, decorators, routing and more. Best practices and techniques for structuring code are discussed as well as techniques for using the documentation and Angular Github source code repository to find answers to questions.

Note: This course covers Angular 6. The course does not cover the AngularJS 1.x version of the framework.


The upcoming Angular and TypeScript Single Page Application (SPA) class in Farmington Hills will be in October of 2018. Dates will be announced soon. The regular course fee is $2,850/student, but early enrollment, prior to September 18 is $2,450/student. Groups of three or more students from the same company receive the rate of $ 2,450/student.

Enroll in our October Angular class by filling out the following enrollment form.

Private classes for groups are available upon request. Call 248-489-0408 for details.

This is an advanced class.  Please come ready to participate, share your experiences, work hard, and have fun!

We will also have a 2 day Angular workshop September 24 and 25.  The $1,295/student workshop, discounted to 1,095/student with early enrollment, covers many of the same topics that we teach in our 4 day class, but with fewer labs.  Details coming soon.

For additional Angular and TypeScript Single Page Application (SPA) Development Training class information or to request a class date contact Michigan Technology Services. 248-489-0408

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for JavaScript developers looking to build Single Page Applications using the latest version of the Angular framework and the TypeScript language.


Attendees must have prior experience working with JavaScript, HTML and CSS to take this class. A minimum of 6-months of hands-on JavaScript experience is recommended to get the most out of the course.

For developers that are new to ES2015 or TypeScript we offer a 1-day workshop that can be run the same week as the Angular course. We highly recommend adding this day if you don’t have any experience with ES2015 or TypeScript.

Course Outline

Introduction to Angular
    • Angular Building Blocks
    • Angular Feature Overview
    • The Big Picture
    • Angular CLI
    • Angular Application Flow
    • Angular Docs
    • AngularJS to Angular
TypeScript JumpStart
    • Introduction to TypeScript
    • Types, Keywords and Hierarchy
    • Classes, Properties and Functions
    • Interface Constraints
    • Namespaces and Modules
    • Compiling TypeScript
The Angular JumpStart Application
    • Application Overview
    • Angular JumpStart in Action
    • Application Structure
Components and Modules
    • Components Overview
    • Component Lifecycle
    • ES2016 Modules
    • Angular Modules
Template Expressions and Pipes
    • Templates Syntax Overview
    • Interpolation and Expressions
    • Working with Pipes
Component Properties and Data Binding
    • Property and Event Binding
    • Input and Output Properties
    • Angular Directives
    • Two-way Binding
    • Change Detection
Services, Providers and HttpClient
    • Services Overview
    • Injectors and Providers
    • @Injectable Decorator
    • Promises and Observables
    • Calling RESTful Services with HttpClient
    • Routing Overview
    • Routing Steps
    • The Router Service
    • Route Parameters
    • Creating Child Routes
Route Guards and Lazy Loading
    • Introduction to Route Guards
    • Creating and Using Route Guards
    • Lazy Loading
    • Forms Overview
    • Template-Driven Forms
    • Reactive Forms
    • Managing Form Control Styles
Bonus - Custom Directives and Components
    • Directives Overview (Attribute vs. Structural)
    • Building a Custom Sorting Directive
    • Building a Custom FilterTextbox Component
    • Building a Custom Mapping Component
Bonus - Webpack Fundamentals
    • Webpack Overview
    • Webpack Building Blocks
    • Ahead of Time Compilation in Angular
Bonus - Unit Testing
    • Angular Unit Testing Features
    • Unit Testing Players
    • Test Suites, Specs and Expectations Overview
    • Creating an Angular Service Test Suite and Spec
    • Creating an Angular Component Test Suite and Spec
    • Mocking Objects

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