Certified Agile Leadership 2 Training with Michigan Technology Services
Michigan Technology Services offers instructor- Certified Agile Leadership 2 (CAL-2) training, as well as other Agile and Scrum courses, via partnerships with Authorized Agile Leadership Educators.
In a pre-Covid world our training would take place at our location in the Farmington Hills/Novi area, 20 miles outside of Detroit, or at your location anywhere around the world. Our Agile Leadership workshops and Agile coaching sessions are now offered online/virtually, reducing your need to travel.
What is Certified Agile Leadership 2 (CAL-2) training?
The Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) program is a special multi-part education and practice-based program to develop agile leadership competency and maturity. It is designed to increase your leadership effectiveness and learn how to be a better leader, no matter what your role.
CAL 2 is an advanced education, validated practice, and peer-based sharing program that consists of learning and practice across three categories. The goal of CAL 2 is to guide leaders in deepening, applying, and sharing their agile leadership learning.
CAL 2 is often a year-long journey, with deep dives into personal agility and leadership development. CAL 2 requires CAL 1, as well as successful completion of:
- Advanced Education – additional education on a unique leadership development topic, customized to your learning journey and mentored alongside an approved CAL Educator
- Validated Practice – taking your new skills and insights and putting them into practice back at work
- Peer-based sharing requirements (Peer Workshop) – experience cohorts and networks from around the globe–meet and share with other leaders at global organizations and learn and share together
You will need to maintain your CAL 2 certification by earning Scrum Education Units® (SEUs) and renewing your certification every two years.
Agile Leadership Journey
The second level of our Agility in Leadership Series, this leadership development and coaching program expands leadership competencies learned in the introductory Agility in Leadership (CAL-E and CAL-O) workshop. Focused on the top half (CAL-E) of our Agile Leadership Compass™ , the Applied Agility in Leadership program improves self-awareness, situational adaptiveness, social connectedness, and strategic orientation to improve leadership capacity. This portion of our leadership series vertically develops leaders at every level for increased awareness, balance, adaptivity, engagement, and empowerment in highly complex, rapidly changing environments.
The Applied Agility in Leadership program is offered in two parts, which each span three months providing for immersive learning, application, and practice. CAL-E is a prerequisite for this program. You will need to complete both Part 1 and Part 2 to earn your CAL 2 credential.
Part 1 – Developing a Growth Mindset
Part 2 – Developing Catalyst Leadership Behaviors
Part 1 – Developing a Growth Mindset Sample Schedule
3-Month (12-Week) Immersive Learning, Application, and Practice

Part 2 – Developing Catalyst Behaviors Sample Schedule
3-Month (12-Week) Immersive Learning, Application, and Practice

Additional Advanced Agile Leadership Education:
The second level of our Agility in Organizations Series, Applied Agility in Organizations: Shaping Culture for Business Agility offers immersive learning, application, and practice. This program helps leaders identify and shape organizational culture to enable, support and grow agile ways of working. It builds upon the learning from the Agility in Organizations workshop by leveraging all of the tools and techniques to identify and shape positively impactful organizational change. CAL-O is a prerequisite for this program.
Focused on the bottom half of our Agile Leadership Compass™, the Applied Agility in Organizations program exposes, aligns and directs leaders toward improved business agility through exploration of values. Leaders will run experiments to shape the culture to improve business performance and organizational health.
Shaping Culture for Business Agility Sample Schedule
3-Month (12-Week) Immersive Learning, Application, and Practice

Most CAL 2 workshops are virtual, however, in-person workshops can be arranged. Our next CAL-2 Practice Program begins in 2024.
Details coming soon. * Call 248-489-0408 with questions.
Enroll in one of our CAL 2 practice programs by filling out the following enrollment form.