Database Administration and SQL Training

MicrosoftSQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2014, SQL 2012, SQL 2008, R2


Crystal Reports

Database Administration Training and SQL Training with Michigan Technology Services

Manufacturers in the Detroit area have thousands and thousands of parts to order and keep track of before a good is shipped - let alone produced. Service providers have so much information to keep track of it's mind boggling how they are able to produce management reports. And the challenge of storing, organizing and retrieving crucial business information isn't limited to Fortune 500 companies.

Microsoft and Oracle, two of the largest providers of database software and services, have created SQL database training programs for people so they can master their database server software. MySQL, a freeware product, is an up and comer in the arena, and database training programs from various Linux providers are popping up.

Michigan Technology Services provides several educational programs for individuals and groups nationwide – not just in the Detroit, MI area - that want to learn database administration.


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Programs and Certifications